The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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Mill Service and Terms armers State Bank LESSON OR SEPTEMBER 21 airbury Illinois THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Your all Suit or DO YOU WANT 6 ON Overcoat Plumbing YOUR MONEY? Tinning Heating AUTOMOBILES jlJuTretor ROBERT HENNING Day I 201 East Locust St airbury Illinois Roofs Gutters urnaces bathroom Equipment arms or Sale $36000 $32500 Does Noble Teal ctf orrest Illinois SERVICE IRST QUALITY ALWAYS (6 40) 2 8 disappointment The demand The quality and price we offer and against man's sins mony is plain and Infallible who receive It are made wise who' with open and teachable receive testimony are than the greatest intellectuals earth 3 The statutes of the Lord ye HAS TO CALL nt THE NEIGHBORS Pan You AORDTO LOSE THE PROITS THAT BUILDING WILL GIVE OldwnnMt fh rrllAi 7O) Aiichell CvL) Mnhnr kmght (Mod Mt (MudS) Mme Njth (ModdrO WE HAVE SOLD OVER $100000OIRST ARM MORTGAGES AND NO ONE HAS EVER LOST A DOLLAR EITHER PRINCIPAL OR INTEREST OR HELD AN UNSATISACTORY LOAN EVERY IN VESTOR IS A SATISIED INVESTOR WHY TAKE LESS INCOME AND GREATER RISK? WE CAJ URNISH YOU WITH THE AMOUNTS YOU WANT CALL AND INVEST AND YOU WILL BE MORE THAN SATISIED Are two important considera tions in establishing connections with a bank We offer a SERVICE which is modem in every way and TERMS consistent with conser vative banking The sign does not make a bank and is often misleading It requires time energy close attention to business a substantial capital and ripe experience in banking to make a bank We daim without blush ing all the essentials necessary to make our business that of banking and tender our patrons a service thor oughly seasoned by 45 years of experience backed by a substantial capital and a large surplus WhereDoes Your Power Go? BACH AIRBURY Phil Wade the well known druggist has a special proposition for anyone who is Buffering with rheumatism Ask about the Rheuma plan CARD THANKS We desire to thank? the many i friends and neighbors who were so kind in assisting us during our recent bereavement and also for the tenderwords of Joseph arney and family Doctrine that Is teaching Reproof Correction Instruction In righteousness Thorough equipment of the man 5 of God for his work right (v Of Ria acetates aro His principles given to us te 8t us foe the different rtiatkauhlpa of life Asm are Just hd equitable becauas they aro from the righteous God They re joice the Mart because the true heart rojoieee in Justice and eqatty 4 The eoeamantaent of the Lord (v 8) This brings Into view the per sonal God who stands back of His law to enforce Its demands This commandment is free from error and deceit and It enlightens the eyes The effect of law is to give man ability not only to understand his love and sal vatlon but to be wise as to the things about him The feer of the Lord is elean (v 9)'Thd reading of the Word of God produces reverential fear in' the heart of the' reader Those who have this godly fear hero their hearts cleansed from sin The life and rela tionship founded upon this fear abide forever 6 The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous (w 9 11) By Judgments Is meant the sen tences pronounced by Word These penalties are absolutely true and righteous they are conformable to the Intuitive moral sense of man These judgments serve as warnings they prevent shipwreck upon sqa apd bring just return to VANITY CURED make as many promises tosmy patients as I did when I first be ffegan said a physician in to a 'question propounded by a patient was cured of my con J'fidence in making predictions early in my practice" this medicineT said to a woman be all right next day I called and askedj her how she felt she an 'swered told you you would if you took the medicine I I an swered with the vanity of youth but I take the medi cine at the woman replied WHERE JACKASSES BELONG A funny one occurred at ifth and Spring the other evening A little old lady was waiting patiently for a Sixth Street car but it chanced to be just at that hour when' many were going out of service v' When the first one came along she stepped into the street 'but the car growled past without even slowing down The next one did however but the conductor leaning over the rail bawled out to the barn" Twice this happened and the little old lady who at first had accepted the to the with resigna tion had reached the point when a fourth time a car stopped and the conductor yanking the bell chor tled to the go to the barn yuh darn jackass just where yuh yelled the indignant one brandishing her umbrella Los Angeles Times Let us keep yourj car up cor rectly lubricated We prescribe Gargoyle Mobiloils according to tthe hart ofRecom tnendatioas It is now time to order your all Suit and Overcoat and Already we have orders for 20 those who obey II A OaJ 1214) or cleansine from secret faults (v 12) Those who reverently study the Word of God realise in themselves the presence of hidden faults from which they need cleansing and they cry out to God for this eleansing 2 Kept bad: from presumptuous sins (v 18) The sins which resnlt from proud defiance of laws need to be eradicated by special grace and help 3 Words acceptable with God (v 14) The godly man la concerned with even his words and desires them to be under control 7 7 4 Meditation of the heart (v 14) III The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptural (II Tim 8:14 17) Inspiration ineans God breathed By the scriptures Is meant the Old Testa ment If testimony be accept ed then the vbole Old Testament la God breathed regardless of what the skeptical critics say Because they are God breathed they are profitable lafrjntry ft Incorporated 1915 'ounded 1874 airbury miaob Depository We cannot describe or' give breeding and description of the hogs here but ask that you send to us for our sale catalog which tells and gives breed ing and describes this offering in full A postcard will bring the catalog SON Col McCool Auctioneer: 9 26 AND STOPPED TALKING? said the ar West mayor to the English tourist dunno how you manage these affairs in you'r country but over here when some of our boys got tied up in that thar bankrupt tele phone Company I was yuh about they became might crusty" they like the" Way 'the receiver was the business no 'commented the earnest listener may I ask what they They just hung up the Dallas News LESSON TEXTS Psalms 19:7 14 II Timothy 3:14 17 "GOLDEN Thy word Is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path 119:105 ADDITIONAL Psalm 11 Matt 4:1 11 Luke 4:16 22 John 5:39 47 PRIMARY The best book in the world JUNIOR What tbo Bible con tains INTERMEDIATE The author Ity of the Bible SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC The In spiration of the Bible I The Characteristics of the Word of God' (Psalm 19:7 11) The law of the Lord is perfect (v 7) The law here means the fun damental principles which God as a moral being reveals to the consciences of men as binding upon tbe soul Comfort and convenience are the commodities that go with the things we sell No difference in jobs when our ability is concerned Always we give the best in supplies and materials and the best workmanship See our display at the air on on ORTH PUBLIC SALE ITY BIG TYPE POLAND CHINA HOGS nevi) CunalnfluiB (Scyl) (ModelO iandl(pa) Dodft BiMhm: ederal (ModS X) edenl (apecial) ord raaUia Coal (Model U) (ucjl) Hvdicn Humobile Kelv SprmgMd Ccmmcftul KimcI Kar (Model Correct Automobile Lubrication Explanations In the Chart below the letter opposite the car indicates the grade of Gar royle Mobiloils that should be used or i example means Gargoyle tneanB Gargoyle Mobiloil etc The recommendations cover all models of both pleasure and commercial vehicles unless otherwise noted But what indication is there that prices will be lower? None that we know It is our advice to build now what you need stared By Taalae is tM only msdicins ever taken that dMs just what they say it will said Mir Roclr No 4 iatt DL in tolling her ex perience with Tanlac elevqp continued Mrs Rock suffered with stomach trou ble and was in' a general run down condition but all different with now for three bottles of Tanlac almost made a new woman of me I lost my appetite and got so that ac tually I would get sick at the smel of food cooking little I did manage to force down would cause gas to form and press up around my hdhrt so bad at times I could hardly get a good breath I would have cramping pains in the pit of my stom ach which would last for many hours then to make matters worse my kid neys became affected and I had terri ble pains in my back and sides and at times could hardly turn over in bed I finally got so weak and run down I do my housework and had to call in the neighbors to help me I was so nervous the least little noise would upset me and I could sleep but very little at night was in this condition when' I heard about Tanlac and asked my hus band to get me a bottle and to my surprise and delight I started to im prove right from the start I have taken three bottles now and tell you wonderful the way this medi cine helped me The pains in my back and sides have all left me My nerves are quiet an I sleep fine now all night long and when I get up in the mornings I am rested and refreshed I never know what it is to have a headache now I have a splendid ap petite and I want everybody to know what a great medicine Tanlac Tanlac is sold in airbury by Phil Wade: in Cornell by Burgess in Dwight by A and in Pontiac by Ralph Bradford Mobiloils grade for each type motor IMPROVED UNirOBN 1NTEMATMKU simrsffloffl Lesson (By REV ITZWATER Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago) (Copyright 1919 Weatem Newspaper Union) ANNOUNCEMENT When we opened our bank to the public in 1902 wo did so with the idepinot only of furnishing a safe and convenient place for our patrons to deposit their money but to encourage the young as well as others to form the habit of saving We therefore introduced in airbury the plan of paying 8 per cent interest compounded semi annually on all savings deposits no matter how small the account The plan has proven so successful that hundreds are now receiv ing interest on their savings and many who started with small de posits now have large amounts to their credit Believing that our patrons have thoroughly appreciated our past efforts we have derived to renew our efforts in behalf of all who wish to save and are pleased to announce that we are paying Our Business Is Banking Banking Is Our Business Mi Na makes your stomach feel fine stops belching heartburn and all discomfort a few minutes Guaran teed by drug store' All Lumber Building Material Hard Coal ANDKEAR AKnian refugees arriving In m4s Koritsa bring reports of the te inspired by the advance ox tbe troops in that territory Aoout Albanians have uvea in tae district earing a recur renM at the massacres of 1918 14 15 the Albanians are fleeing before the Greegs with the assistance at Italian and rench troons and officials who are enabling the terrified population to escape to Italy A balance of 1263000000 is due ths United States from rance as a result of co operative war activities It in cludes railroad equipment bought by the rench since the armistice The search in Lower California by the war and navy departments for Lts rederick Waterhouse and Connelly aviators who have been missing since August 21 has beenabandoned Except from Mexicans who saw the machine noth ing has been heard of the two men It 'is estimated that the search has edst the government nearly $10000 a According to official advices from Denmark the Copenhagen Telephone company has just bought two auto '1 matic telephone exchanges from the' Western Electric company "As far as known this 'will be the first intro system into northern Europe where Germany and Sweden formerly enjoy ed a monopoly in this trade Talks with Europe by wireless tele phone will be an ordinary event forAmerican business men within two'and a half yeafs according to Peter Cooper Hewitt who returned Satur day on the Cunard liner Aquitaniay' from a two business trip in Europe Mr Hewitt who has been looking after his electrical interests si on the other side said that he would i have an important announcement to a make within a short time regarding wireless telephony but he contented himself with the unqualified predic ation than trans Atlantic conversationwould be commonplace by 1922 Even if all the central European miners were to work on twd" shifts of nine hours daily Col Goodyear coal famine in Europe this winter i could not be prevented as 27 per cent of the railroad cars are in bad order and the disorganized transportation makes the average time between loads eleven days Us against four and one half for cars in the United States All except six of the sixty five coal mines in Upper Selisia are working on two'shifts of seven and a half hours each daily A great dealof the' power developed in the Cpmbustion chambers of your engine never gets to the rear axles Some of it is lost in fric tion riction means worn metal Correct adjustment and correct lubrication are impera tive if you expect from your car Greatest Pefficiencr Smoothest Minimum repair Lowest operating cosh Longest life Greatest second hand value If we could reduce building costs we would cut them fifty per cent We can make more money when prices are low ZLa central garage A granger Prop BIG CORN CROP Springfield Ill Sept The Illi nois corn crop will approximate 294 640000 bushels a forecast of federal and state agricultural department agencies said riday Estimates were baseff on reports September 1 when the com crop was 76 per cent of nor maL the exception of the forecast stated growing crops in Illinois have deteriorated during the month of This was said to be due to drouth Spring wheat showed a probable yield of 8500000 bushels with the quality condition 50 per cent of normal The condition of oats the report said had fallen from 73 per cent of normal August 1" to 68 per cent Sep tember 1 Thrashing returns to show that average yield per acre will not be high and that the whole crop will be of light condition was given as 73 per cent of normal with an estimated yield of 5400000 bushels White potatoes were said to prom ise a crop of 9548000 bushels 55 per cent of normal 4 Interest I compounded semi annually January first and July first of each year all eavings accounts up to one thousand dollars IM us help you save your first thousand dollars Remember you can start an account" With 100 small amounts receiving the same care and attention as the larger ones Come and see us Walton Banking Co 160 acres fair improvemenl 8 miles of airbury Price per acre 160 acres well improved 9 miles of orrest Price per acre 160 acres wejl improved 10 miles of Piper City Price per acre' 160 acres well improved 4 miles of Paxton Ill Price per acre $27500 320 acres two sets buildings 4 miles Gibson City Price per acre $37500 320 acres well improved 3 miles Thawville 111 Price per acre $37500 have other farms'rnrlndianaw0hioMichigan' and Minnesota also can furnish you with an extra low excur sion rate to the Rio Grande Valley Texas special train irrigated lands It will pay you to see me before you buy land any where here is the place to get it outfits Delay will surely mean everywhere is tremendous are the best in town We have everything that is latest waist seam belted and double breasted models slash pockets etc Let us show you what we have to offer Harry oster at the Sanitary Cleaning Works 'The above hogs are cholera im munedtand the sale will be held at 'barn three blocks north of Commercial Square Washington Illi nois on THURSDAY OCTOBER 2 1919 beginning at 1:30 promptly 20 Head of early March Boars 23 Head of early March Gilts 7 fall yearling Gilts 3 of our best brood Sows and 1 of our Herd Boars This offering includes our state fair winners that we showed at Spring 1 fiel at the late Illinois state fair On eight entries we won six premiums We are selling the best lot of BIG These princIpies are free from all I TYPE POLANDS we ever drove into omissions and redundancies perfect! the ring They are big with feeding i as a moral coda It perfectly accom i qualities the kind that are pushes Its design namely the convert 1 1 Ing of the soul The effect of the for the fanner and breeder to grow 6 law of God is to turn men to God him self to righteousness and holiness 2 The testimony of the Lord By testimony Is meant the witness which God bears as to his attributes Tills testl Those Those minds 'wiser of the A I 1 1 ASA I rA I MMK Illi 'll lS ur tan Rqek Wm 84 Butow She ''HOME Vg WE 41 I CW home fl yi fl rt 'J I u's Ji i Sfr 9 EZ Bp a New Linoleum Patterns I I I I 1 5 A i 4 BHBTO A Art A Art A Art A Arc A Art A 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A A A A A A A A A I 1 VC Art Vt Are TOM VCpi trt 'vf V'S 1 rkrsif nt mm A Are A An rioors inthis nouse? 1 7 91 1 5 4 i A pranitr A A A A A A A Arc A Air fcy 3 rj Are Arc Arc Arc Arc Arc Are Are Arc LAic A A Rto A Are A Are A Are A Are A An VlMi "re? eeeeeieeef 7 inoii Zi 11 ana 14 it wiauts hrldta Art Art Art Are Art Arc Are Are Are An (Mtonl A Jre Simnlcc Crnc A A A A A A Are A ri jvY iSilr Strimvknifhl A 8 A A A A A Viuiittaktr A a art sic a rvr nn $135 and $150 per sq yd gl WrttcJrt0B Are Are Are Art Are Are Are Arc Are Are' White Arc Are Are Are Aft Arc Art Are Are Are John Beckley Sjg 'Jfel AXWl XJlUvlt AUUUUljj II IL i A1 't 7' 2 a JS Bal ILL A i i.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.