The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California (2024)

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I Welbilt Coro WellFoo 96 10 WIIFM 2Ue 7 WelIRG 680 i Close THE FRESNO BEE New York Stock Exchange T- 1 1 1 40a 7 A Abbt Lb 132 15 27 53'i- ACF lnd240 10 38 48 'a- 3 AcmeClev 1 7 16 13 ism ddrSso 159 9 AddrSso Ifi Today's Closing Quotations 39 374 Z210 Dow Jones Averages Stocks In The Spotlight FINANCE STOCKS Admiral AdvlnV 26e AetnnLf 2Tft Ahmon 20e 4 Aileen Inc 7 AirPrd 20b 25 Airco 80 7 42 AJ Industris 6 26 Akzona 120 7 7 Ala Gos 118 8 3 AlaP pf828 z150 Alaska Intrs 73 AlbertoC 35 9 2 Albertsn 50 10 6 AlcanAlu 1 14 630 AlcoStd 40 4 28 AlconLb 20 33 xl9 Alexdrs 10e 27 168 AlisnM 306e 6 65 AllegCo 36e 11 4 AllgLud 140 6 33 AllgLud pf 3 5 AllgPw 152 8 70 AllenGp 5 6 AlldCh 132 11 307 AlldMnt 48 10 41 AlldPd 80 5 13 AlldSIr 158 5 13 A Id Supmlt 10 4 AllisChal 26 7 24 AlIrlAut SB 5 10 Alcoa 134 15 181 Page B6 Friday April 5 1974 Wes co WestctTr WtPtPep WnAirL WnBncl Wn Pac Ino 9 WnPublh 76 5 WUnion 140 6 1 WnUnpf6 9 WnUn pt460 90' --I wnUn pf490 25-' westgEI 97 10 90 1 Wstvco 110 7 8Vs wevbrg 128 5 13 weyerhr 80 14 494 8 WhelFry 40 11 x56 '3 wheel Pitt St 4 7 6- 7 whelPit Pf 6 zlOO whirlpol 80 11 273 WhitCon 70 3 23 5 White pfC 3 6 6- WhiteM 10e 5 29 138- Vb Whittaker 32 WickesCrpI 6 62 f'8 WiebdtSt 28 5 1 git 2 WmsCos40 11 109 Wms Co wt 60 33- 5 8 vVinnDx 126 17 23 Winnebago 36 160 Wisgl 72 6' 78 1 77 's 11 11 '4 423 1' 8 1334 16' 8 1 7 8 '4 21 38 8'- '8 1 53 4 3 4 26 15 IV: 14 8 22' 8 3 8 1 Q3 4 19' 4- 2 WisE pf890 ZlO nW'tco 104 5 2 Wolver mi 6 24 m) I 10 6 1 X2Y2W 35 I 135 1 84 3 35 -1 25 575b 7 76 50' 3 56 W- 33 3s 3 8- -0 W- 10 14 3S8 '8 1 8 0 22 11 2 60' 4-1 4 234 17 4 85 5' 8- 8 x87 10 3 26 23 2 1 5 8 '2 26 20-8- ZlO 107' 2 7 z20 SO '8 2 34 '4 34 4s 470 116 46' 1 95 24' 8- 50 39 12' 4- 134 8 62 '2 wmm hm NEW YORK Soles closing price and net change el the fifteen most active stocks traded on the NY Stock Exchange BritPet UnGsPLwi PacGasEI GrandUn IntTelTel Digital Eq FluorCorp PanAm KresgeSS StdOil Cal WestghEI Wstn Union GenMotors MesoPet Unionam Uniroval 70 Unirval pf 8 Unit Air 180 5 Unit Air pf 8 Unit Brands 3 LjBrd pfl20 QnitCp 73e UnitFin Cal 4 UnGsPL wi 1 Ilium 232 8 Dnitlnd 36 6 Unitln pf42 Unitlnn 10 7 UJerBk 104 7 UnMM 140 4 Un Nuclr UnitPk Min UnitRefg 40 4 USFidG 248 9 USFoS 307e US Frgt 140 7 USGvPS 160 7 USHome 16 3 US Ind 67 3 USLeasg 24 13 US Rlty 136 13 US Shoe 95 6 US Steel 2 7 USTobac 76 9 UniTel 104 10 UniTel wt UnTI 2pf 150 Unitrode Cp 9 Univar 64 5 UnLeaf 176 6 UnivOil 37e 7 Upjohn 96 29 Uris Bldg USLIFE 28 10 Uslifelnc le USM stp 1 4 ChmNY 288 8 ChesVa 168 7 Chesbg 124 23 Chessie 360 6 ChEoslll 26 9 ChiMilw Cp 2 Chi Milw pf ChiPneuT 2 8 ChRI ct NW ChkFull 22r 8 Chris Croft 51 ChrsCft pf 1 Chromal 70 5 Chroma pf 5 Chryslr 140 3 Chrysler wt Cl Mtg 183e 5 Cl Rlt 12e CinBell 746 8 CinnGE 164 9 CinG pf930 CinGE pf 4 CinMilo 140 12 CIT Fin 220 8 Citicorp 80 18 CitiesSv 220 8 CitzSo 331e 7 CitzMt 178e 6 Citylnvst 66 4 City Inv wt Cityln pf B2 City Strs 10 ClarkE 160 9 ClarkOil 50 4 CLC Am 20 4 ClvCIif 21 Do 10 CivEIIII 240 9 CIEIII Pf740 CloroxCo 52 18 CluetPeo 50 9 CluettP Pf 1 -CMIInv Cp 8 CNA Fin 58 27 IGF CNAL CoastSt Gos 4 CstSG pfl83 CsfSG pf 119 104 10' 3 Indus Tran Utils 573S 7 3 is Hi Rockwllnt 2 5 RKInt Df475 RohmH 112 16 Rohrlnd 90 9 Rollinsln 18 15 Ronson 24b 12 Roper 110 5 RorerA 80 12 Rosario 40b 21 RorioTob21 4 ig ii I6V4- 21' 8 1778 8 37b NolcoCh 52 21 NflfcoSci 60 7 NashuoC 52 13 NatlAirl 40 7 Avia 86e Nat Can 45 4 Can pf 1 50 CashR 72 12 Chem 24 39 NChmM3 42s'b 15' 4 68 3 'b 11 '8 3s 60 'Si 1 223 40 250 49' -2 USM pfl50 1 lB4' SPMI 3 mi SUft'll IK NDst pf 425 z20 76se Rovol Ind 4 11 6V4 uVlnpfS50 66 NDst pf 425 76s RovL Rovol Ind ii Hw 2 3 11 2534 IV4 25b Unless ethenmise npffd 'rotes of dividends in the fore-- ables are annua ds- UV In pf 126 vv 35J 8 bursem*nts based on the last Varian 15e 9 125 10 187s 34 7 '8 3b tj 1 npfes extra er extras rate iioaw in irecedms months 5 pqjft Jitter VC A Cp 44 12 Veedr 172a 5 VendoCo 40 7 Venice 20 4 VestSe 124e Vetco Offsh 25 VF Corp 76 7 Viacom int VietCmp 50 7 VaEPw 118 6 VaEP pf745 quarterly or semi-annual dec- laration Special or extra div- FischbM 96 13 FisfiFds 30 10 Fisar Sfl 16 13 FleetEnf 12 13 Fleming 60 7 Flexygn 74t 6 FlintkTe 108 6 Fnt pfA 450 urn i FloPow 195 6 FlaPwL 122 6 FloStl 130 5 FluorCp 20 26 Fluor pfB 3 FlyTigr 40e 6 FMC 92 8 FMC pf225 FdFair 20b 8 J0 5 F0rM 320a 5 FMKpnio 6 FfDeb 14-ie Ftflpwd -35a FctWhl 90 Vi Vs 734 20' 2 1478 CocoCol 203 30 255 4-2' CocoBtlg 40 13 90 934 4 ColdwBk 36 6 15 3s Colecoln 06 243 25 'a Pol 59 19 155 RTE Cpl2e 11 Rubbrm 32 21 Rucker Co 14 RussTog 76 4 RyderSv 40 Safegrd Ind 5 Safewv 160 11 238 6299 ll'A 14' '4 drs- Vi 24 3-32 10': 3 8 19 3 8 21 3 4- 13'? 37s 46 Vi 11 10' 4 31 5s '8 3 4 I 3 23V4- 4 21' 8- 23' '2 80 -2 '4 19 3 8 33 77b 's 10' 4- "2 8-t-I 13 '8 1 4 inferst Sirs IntersUri 24 laBeef 207t Iowa El 130 8 lowallG 144 8 lowaPL 174 7 IwaPSv 148 10 loco Hosp 9 te-'i IU Int pfl25 J-J JamesF 52 9 Jantzen 60b 6 Japan 168e 1 JeffPilot 18 1 JerCe pf93 2 JerCen pf 4 1 Jewel 166 Jewelcor 5 ji shii? mw: JhnManlfB 6 JehnJn 50a 42 2 Johns Sv 80 6 JonLog 80 4 2 JonLau 1 60 6 Jostens 80 6 JovMfg 140 16 JustMt 280e 6 K-K KaisAlu 75 10 88 Kai 59pf475 2 Kai 66pf475 Ki 475pt237 1 i 6 2100 56 6 fd 6 30 16 110 VaEP Pf720 VaEP pt 5 i iu Vornado 97t 6 61 Vul Mat 160 6 13 W-r-W Wdchova 76 13 Wdch pf? 20 230e 6 6 Wocl wBc Walgreen 1 8 i 5 43 If rid 1 mi -1' peal lared or paid inis year on accumulative with 3 riiuiriBIndc in cirrMtr SiviAnds In arrears SqnuGs 5nndrs Asso Sonooma 60 SJuari 1301 SFelnd 180 Foxborp 60 FrnHffiia 20 10 ir 22 1 SFelnd pt SO -elifl SanFel SargVyel 10 32 ll) to 10H- If: 'll- 39 '4 I1VS i 23' 8- 8 ll 3' 2 lavzK 278- 9'b 9's 8 -11 New issue Paid this 'a dividend jmltled de ferred or no oelian taken at au? iwaft 8 preceding 12 months osfi- -ipfed cash value on ex iyidend or exdistribution i date Saifs In full 8 eld Celled Ex divi- 141 warrants Vb 3f 112 -1 9's- '4 61 '4 12? '8 'I 1 43 8 2 55 8 31 '4-1 38 '8 48' 'i J8 45' a- £rcei isCem 31 34' '8 27 b-1'b 16' 8 'B wlkrA 140a WallBus 49 i WollMu 60a 3 WalMar 05e 7 Wanfl Labs 14 Ward Foods Warnaco 80 4 WrnerCo 50 WrnCom 40 6 WrnC pfl25 WprnL 72p 1 Warn 120 8 WashGs 1 88 1 WashNat 60 4 WasN pf250 WasWP 148 9 Waste Mant WatknJ 05e 1 Weathrd 40 I SavanE SavnEi SavA SavOI Savin Saxon Ind SCA Svc C6P1 Schlitilr 64 Schlump 72 SCM Cp 40 SCOAInd 60 ScotLFd 58 ScotFetz la ScottFor 60 ScottPap 56 ScovilIMfg 1 Scovll pf250 ScudDuoVt Scud Pf22k SeaCtL 85r SbdWA 20t NatFuel 190 6 10 NatGvD 105 6 48 Not Homes 8 Natlnd 15 6 19 Ntlnd pfl25 3 Mtg 154e 6 4 Pres 110a 5 7 Nat Semicn 16 371 Stand -if 9 5 HnlUnli Natamas 25 16 Neptune 40 10 NevPw 140 5 Nevp pf8 70 NeyP pf 160 inf El 178 8 NEnGE 124 8 EngT 236 10 Newrall 30 27 NbwHu 140 7 Nwmt pf450 NYSEG 220 8 SlYSi pf8-80 3 Ycpf375 JlaMF 1I8 9 4iaM pf 525 pf 390 4iaM pf 360 4anl28e 4L Ind 1 6 4LT Cp 40 8 NorflkWn 5 7 NorlinCp 1 3 Norris 112 4 NoACoal 60 13 NtAMt253e 7 NoAPhl 120 5 NoCAirlOe 6 NoCeAir wt NoestUt 102 7 NoCenGs 60 10 vjNoCen NollGas 1 NIIGs pf 1 NlndPS 1 NGos 270 9 NoNG Pf848 NoStPw 184 NSPw pf4 16 Northgt 40e 4 ou Northrp 112 7 43 NwstAirl 45 9 127 NwtBnc 160 14 15 Nwst Ind 85 4 45 Nwstlnd wt 1 Nwlnd pfA5 5 1 Nwlnd DfC5 2 Nwtln pf 420 4 NwtMuLf 2e 10 20 NwtStW 104 7 12 Norton 150 6 44 NorSim 30 9 359 Nrt pf 160 6 NucorCp 24 5 16 NVF 2841 2 8 0-0 46 1 30 32 ZlOO -j When distributed wi When issued nd Next day 30 deliyery vi la bankruptcy or 6jV-tV 678 4 11' 4 Vb 9 16' 3 8 1 6' 8 30 5j ll ft I receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies tn Foreign issue subject to interest equalization taxv i IM' AAirFilt 44 9 Arn Airlin A Boker 20 lwjj i isIflYii A Con pfl75 i iphilifl 25 AmDiSTI 48 16 ME ArbElgw 2 AmElPifc rt Am Fin 10 AmF of 150 AGenBd 2e AGnCv 154e A Gnlns 60 5 A Gin pf 180 AmHoist 60 6 A Home 71 31 A Home pf 2 AmHosp 30 32 Amlnves 50 A Medici 12 6 A Medicorp 8 A MtlCI 150 11 A lx pf575 AmMot 10e 5 ANatGs 254 8 Am Seating AmShip 68 10 ASmltR 120 5 AmSlond 70 6 A Std Pf475 AmSteril 28 13 AmStor 120 7 wt 308 9 pf 4 ATT ptB374 ATT pf A364 AWotWk 64 6 AW prf 125 AW41pf 143 Ameron 72 5 AmesD 10e 3 Ametefc 80 7 AMF In L24 6 33 Ampex Cerp 7 fWV 1 Amsted 260 7 Amtel 20 7 Anocn 57e 8 AnchrH 108 6 And Clay 80 6 Angelica 12 5 AnsulCo 5Bt 6 6 Apeco Coro APL Corp 4 APL PB 50 Applid Mog 8 ARA Sw 132 17 ArcotN 14 17 ArcotN pi ArchDan 25 12 Arctic Entr Aristor 72 5 ArizPSv V36 6 ArBest 40 ArkLGs 130 7 Arlen RltvD 22 Armada Cp 8 Armco 12Qq 6 Arm pf 210 ArmstCk 84 12 Atm Ru 160 6 ARO Cp 90 5 Arvinlnd 52 9 ASA Ltd 70 AshdOil 140 5 AshIO Pf240 AsdDrG 1 40 8 AsdSpg 120 6 Asd Transj) Athlone 80 3 Alico 194e 6 AtlCyEl L50 All Rich!) 2 AtlRc pf3 75 AtIRch 3 AtlRc pf230 Atlas Corp 35 ATO Inc 20 4 AutDat 10e 29 Autom Ind Avco Corp 5 Avco pf320 AveryPd 30 26 Avislnc 40 9 Avnetlnc 30 4 AvonPd 148 22 AztecO 1321 34 B-BabcW -80 14 Bache 20e Baker In 16 14 BokerOil 37 22 19 4 163B 29 'a 3V- 8 1678 3 8 31 3934 203 8 17 Mi 163's 44' 31 IiSt kLPL pf3lu MB KanNeb 11? 7 KanPLt 148 8 Katy Ind 5 Kty pfB 146 1 KoufBrd 16 15 126 Kawecki 28 9 30 KayserR 60 6 8 Keebler 70 28 49 KeeneCp 10 5 12 Keller 45 4 1 Kellogg 56 18 113 Kellwood 80 5 5 Kennmt 120 6 14 Kennecott 2 8 335 KvUtil 174 7 83 Kerr MG 70 28 187 KeysCon 80 4 1 Kidde 60 4 69 Kidde PfB 4 1 Kid Df A220 2 KimbCi 144 9 60 KingDSt 30 5 165 KirschCo 76 7 18 KLM Airlin 4 KnightN 14 7 Kopprs 188 9 67 Kraftco 177 11 61 KresgeS 20 26 753 Kroehler 80 5 4 Kroger 130 10 56 Kysor 60o 5 4 L-L ma Sears 49 100 23' i 48 Seotrain Lin Sedcolnc 10 23 Servmt 56a 4 Shakspre 28 6 Shapell 10 4 ShellOM 240 11 ShellT 102e 4 ShellrGI 56 4 ShllGI pfl40 ShllGI pf 135 Sherw Win 2 8 Shr pf440 SierraPc 86 7 Signal 60b 7 Signal pf220 Signode 86a 13 SimPre 05e 7 Simm 88a 8 SimPat 33a 14 Singer 260 6 Smgr pf350 SkaggCo 40 Skelly Oil 1 Skil Corp IBM Seeks Suit List New York Times News Service NEW YORK The International Business Machines Corp filed in the United States Court for the Southern District of New York the preliminary list of witnesses that it may call in its defense against the antitrust charges brought by the Justice Department The case is scheduled to come to trial in October The antitrust suit was filed against IBM In 1969 as the last act of the Justice Department under the Johnson administration £1 ID 9 J6 Conell 120 5 ConnGn 176 10 Conroe 60 9 ConEd 180 8 ConEd pf 6 ConEd pt 5 ConF pf4-50 CdrisuPbtti 2 9 CnPW pf772 CnPw pf768 CnPw pf 4 50 Cont Air Lin Cnt Can 160 7 CpnCdp 306 3 CfCop pff25 Cant Cp 2 40 6 etie pfA? so CtlC PfB2 so ConllEp 220 10 COnllP 143e 10 ConllR 188e 6 Cont Invst 7 CnMtg 103e 4 ContOil 160 8 CantTel 9 Control Dat 8 CdakUnif 52 4 CoQpmd 104 8 Cobber Lob CoopT 1 08e 6 CopT pfl25 Copelnd 48 8 CopoRg 12e 7 CobwCp 160 5 Corduro Cp Cernp 112a Cousin 245e 7 Cowles 05e 11 CoxBdct 35 8 CPC Int 18610 CraneColb 5 CreditF 42 7 CrockN 166 8 CrpmpK 80 5 Crown Cork 11 'rWZeii 160 8 TS Cp 50 4 9 Curiripjrg 20 6 Currlhc 99e CurtisW 10e 10 CurtWr A 2e CutlerH 140 6 CyclopsCp 1 4 Cyprus 112 9 92 34 738 8 23 '4 183i I'? '8 4 1 7 3 3 8 10 8 'a 21 la 38 Education Cost Varies In Colleges Sylvia Porter THE COST of going to a good private American college for four years is now up to $24000 If you have a brother or sister or two who also are at college age your total college expense could be an astronomical $48000 to $72000! These are the dreadful statistics that leap out of the latest survey of student expenses at colleges and universities for the 1974-75 school year just released by the College Entrance Examination Board a Ppinceton NJ They com firm as no elaborately phrased discussion could the extent to which the cost of college education has soared beyond the middle-income family's ability to pay For millions the dream of college has indeed become a financial nightmare The reason of course is our murderous which has boosted the cost of virtually everything connected with college education ranging from salaries clerical costs and laundry services to construction maintenance meals and books Actually the amount you pay for tuition and fees now covers on average only about 60 per cent of yearly instruction costs at a private college and only about one-sixth of these costs at public colleges Without huge endowments massive infusions of public (Your Money's Worth funds and generous contributions from alumni and private foundatins most US colleges would simply collapse financially Yet study after study underlines that a college education is among the very best investments you can make in your entire life It will lead to an enormous payoff in increased earnings in brighter iob prospects and in a host of intangible cultural and social benefits for which you always will be grateful Studies also show a correlation between education and marital adjustment The higher the degree of education the higher the degree of marital happiness THEREFORE get to the fundamental question: if you're not poor enough to qualify for a scholarship or grant what can you do to but the costs of going to college? A key way to reduce the costs gt the very start of your postseeondarv school education is through your own selection of a college or university Specifically: The most expensive way to get your education is at a private university even if you live at home Next is a state college out of your home state Next is a state college in your own state And the lest expensive way is to live at home and go to a free or low-tuition college or two-year junior college or live at home and participate in an external degree program under which you sharply reduce the overall span of time you spend on campus without sacrificing education Your savings by going to a public rather than a private college could amount to $2000 to $3000 per year TO ILLUSTRATE this point take two well-known universities in Pennsylvania both major coeducational institutions and both highly respected for their faculties and programs: the University of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State University For the 1974-75 school year the University of Pennsylvania will charge about $3165 in tuition and fees and 81-535 for room and board a total of $4700 for the year But if you chose Pennsylvania State University you would pay 8900 in tuition and fees in 1974-75 and $1185 in room and board charges a total of $2085 If you find that the two institutions offer you comparable programs for the purpose of your studies you woudsave $2615 in 1974-75 alone by choosing the state university An exceedingly valuable guide is Expenses at Postsecondary Institutions available for $250 from the CSS College Entrance Examination Board Box 592 Princeton NJ 08540 It includes next average costs at about 400 two-year institutions and 1300 four-year institutions and will help guide you to this vital decision of your life Copyright 1974 Field Enterprises le FreepfM 80 Fruehf 180 Fuqua Ind it GAF Cp 44 Gamffk 140 ml jardDen )arlpck 84 6 3asSvcll2 8 4 mnin2i 8mini Cap 5 Geminiln la 9 GA In 129h 41 GnA Oil 60b 16 47 GATran 180 11 65 GAT pf250 7 GnCable 50 7 32 GenCig 120 7 5 Gen Develpt 6 11 Gen Dvnam 6 13 GenEI 160 17 393 GnFood 140 10 222 Genlnst 38t 8 86 Gnlnstr pf 3 2 GnMed 14a 10 5 GenMill 108 16 47 GnMot 525e 5 705 GnMot 5pf 5 2 GMot pf375 1 GenPort 80 13 15 GPubUI 168 8 109 Gen Refract 9 7 GnSignal 70 15 38 Gen Steel 6 4 Tel El 172 8 205 GTIEI of 2 50 9 GTFI pll30 Tire 110b 4 106 Genesco Inc 76 25 Genstar 1 7 3 GenuPts 52 22 21 GaPac 80b 13 174 GaPw pf780 zlOO GerberPd 1 9 GettyO 1 30e 18 GettO pfl20 GianPC 80 8 GibFinl 79t 4 Gidd Lewis 27 GiffdHill 52 6 Gillette 150 12 Ginos Inc 7 GleasnW 44 26 Global Mar 1 1 GlobeU 80a 5 GoldWt Fin 6 Goodrh 112 5 GoodyrTR 1 6 GorJwlA 24 5 Gouldln 110 6 Grace 150 9 GrandUn 80 10 Granitv 120 5 GrantW 60 12 GrayDrg 40 8 GtAMt 350e 4 15e GtLkDr 120 GtNoIr 1 lOe 12 GtNNek 160 8 GINN pf 160 GtWnFin 40 6 Gt Wn Unit GtWnUnt pf GrtWshlnv GrGiant 108 8 Grevh 104a 8 Grevhnd wt Grolier 50 Guardian In 11 GuarM 389e 4 GlfLfHId 40 5 GifMtg 2 6 GulfQil 150 5 Gulf Resrce 11 GfR pfBl30 GlfStUt 112 7 GlfSU Pf440 GulfWn 72 5 GlfWInd wt GlfW pf 387 Gulton Ind 7 zlOO Z50 30 374 zlO 8 3t 33Ja 1 1 Oak Ind 32 Ookite 84 9 Occid Pet 8 OcciP pf360 OgdenCp 80 6 Ogdn pf 1 87 OhioEd 160 8 DhEd pf456 OPwB pf760 OklaGE 136 10 OkIGE pf80 OklaNG 140 9 OlinCorp 88 7 Omark 36 5 Opelika 1 3 OrangR 120 9 OtisElv 220 7 OutMar 120 4 OutletCo 70 4 OvernitT 72 6 OverShip 10 9 OwenCn 88 14 Owenlll 148 7 Ownll pf475 Oxfrlnd 60b 4 P-PcASh 107e PacGas 188 7 PacLtg 168 8 PocPetrl 60 20 PacPw 160 9 PacTT 120 9 PocTT pf 6 PoineWb 30 PaiW pfl30 PolmBc 25 3 Pomida Inc 8 PanAm Air PonhEP 2 Paprcft 60b 7 5 4 4 3 4 278 63 'a 31 5 8- 3 8 8 1834 Mohawk Data Gets Australian Contract UTICA NY (UPI) Mohawk Data Sciences Corp has obtained a multi-million dollar order for 67 data entry-response terminals from the Australian division of National Cash Register Co NCR has an order for the shipment from Australia's National Health Plan Organization LincNat 124 LincNt pt 3 Lionel Corp 6 Litton 231 8 Litton ptc pf Litton pfB 2 Lockhd Aire 3 Loews 120 5 LomaFin 36 8 LomM 387e 6 London 20e 4 LoneStlnd 1 6 LoneSG 150 8 LnglsLt 146 8 LongDrg 56 30 Loral Corp 7 LoLand 104 19 LoPacif 15 8 LouisGs 184 9 Lowenstn 1 4 LTV Corp 2 LTVCP Df 5 Lubrizl 43a 20 LuckyStr 54 13 Ludlow 108 8 LukensStl 1 9 LVOCorp 13 Lykes YngsJ 5 Lvke pf 1 Skyline 24 SloterW 40 SmithAO 78 Smithlnt 24 20 Smithkline 2 14 SmithTr 40 Smucker 80 SolaBas 60 7 Sonest 166c 10 SonyCD 10e 19 SooLin 238e 4 SOS Con 30 4 SCarEG 148 9 SoJerln 156 8 Southdown 5 Sdwn pfl80 SoestBkg 80 14 SoestPS 128 SoCalE 168 SouthCo 138 SoulnG 220 SoN Res 150 SoNETI 284 SNET pf3 82 SouPoc 216 SouRv 192 SouRy pfA 3 Sou Ry pf 50 SouUGs 160 Southld 30b SwstFor 20 SwtFI Df 1 50 SwstPSv 82 Soarton 20a 4 SoerryHut 1 4 Sprry pf 3 SperryR 66 12 Sprague El 7 SpringM 60 5 SquorD 110 20 Sauibb 162 23 SfaleyM 1 40 9 StPoor 118e StBrand 183 14 StdBr pf350 StBPaint 28 29 StOilCal 170 5 StOillnd 3 20 StOilOh 136 26 SO Oh of375 StdPress 24 5 StPrudnt 66 9 StanWks 96 9 Stanray 60 6 Storrett 1 7 StatMl 227e 4 StaMS 116e StauffChm 2 9 Stau pf 180a Sterchi 48b 6 SterDrug 65 20 SfevensJP 2 5 StewWa 192 7 StokeVanC 1 6 StonW 199e 13 SfoneCon 40 5 SfopShop 90 5 StridRite 65 7 StuWor 132 4 Suave Shoe SubnPro 80 7 SuCrest 20e Sun Chm 40 5 SunOil -98r 8 Sun Df225 Sunbeam 90 8 Sundstrd 80 10 Sunds of350 SunshM 48b 29 SupValu 76 7 Supr Oil 140 25 SupmkG 20 8 24 5 6 Dart Ind 1 Data Geni 32 Doyco 114 5 Daylin 24 6 DaytHud 54 6 QaytPL 16i 10 Dean Wit 40 9 Seere i40a 6 elmOP 170 7 ll Mnt 120 7 eitqAir 60 13 ifitec 40 4 Deltona Era 4 DennMffl 90 5 Dennys 06 10 Dentu DeS Deft 28 Diartllnt 2 1 64 Diamsh 110 9 133 DiaSh afC? 4 7 i Dicfaph 48o 7 9 Diebold 40b 14 55 IlglloiVqpt st Dillingm 40 7 15 DillpnCo 10 IS 1 Disney -10 28 27 7 Disston 12 Diversfc BaldDH 40 Bairc 50 BalGf 196 7 BonCal 134 11 Bondad I be 28 Banar Punt 2 BangP pf 2 BkafWY 220 6 BarikTr 3 8 BarbOil 40r BardC 18o 26 BbrnM 2 3e 5 Basic Inc 40 4 BotesMf 30 7 Bate Mf pH Bathlnd 40 6 BauschL 42 14 BaxtLab 17 42 Bearing 32 12 BeatFcfs 65 13 BeatFd pf 4 50 19 ectDick 40 34 BeecAir 50 5 Beker IQe 13 0 77t HI BeicoP 2 343b 3 1 52 i 15V 8-532 144 LyncCSv 40 9 7 7 Pasco Inc 12 Pavl nw 27 7 PeabGa 08e 16 Penn Cent PennDx 20b 6 Penney 116 21 PaCo pf46? PaPwLt 168 8 PaPL pf870 PaPL pf840 PaPL Df450 Pennwlt 120 10 Pennzoil lb 10 Pennzoil wd Pennz pf 1 33 PeopDrg 20 7 PeopGs 236 7 PepsiCo 120 17 PerkElm 23 36 Pet Inc 135 8 Petlnc pf 1 PeterPI 120 18 Petrolan 38 7 Petrlm 246e Pfizer 68a 21 PhelpD 220 7 PhilaEI 164 9 PhilE pf780 PhilSub 130 7 PhilMor 140 18 Philip In 20 5 French List Prices PARIS (UPI) To meet the continuing demand the French Government Tourist Office has reprinted lists of Paris restaurants with menus at $3 and Paris hotels offering double rooms at $25 or less for the American traveler The lists can be obtained without charge from the French Government Tourist Office 610 Fifth Ave New York NY 10020 Hi 185' 534 43' 1' a- Hock 248 8 HallFB 36 12 HallPrt 80a 5 Halburt 120 28 HamPap 90 6 Hamond 40 5 Handlmn 68 5 HandyH 72 12 HanesCp 60 4 Hanna 135 12 Harcourt 1 8 Hardee 04p 15 Harnisf 140 5 Harrlnt 112 10 Harsco lb 5 HrtSMrx 88 6 HarteHk 20 6 HattSec 4le HawiiEI 156 7 HavcsAlb I 6 Hazeltine 8 HC A Martin 7 Hecks 12 6 HeclaM 33t 40 Heilem 44a 5 112 13 Curt Hellerlnt 84 16 HelmeP 60 ll HelmrhP 24 13 Hemisph Cp Hemlnc 70e Hercules 80 17 HershFd 80 11 Hesston 32 7 DomeM la 24 DbmF U3 DqnLutJ 14 11 13 cjS 1 Dorr Oliver 6 5 Dorsey 10 6 15 Dover 1 04 8 37 DowChem 1 21 164 DPF Inc 53 Drava 160 11 18 Dresser 140 2 269 QrS pf 230 67 Brr pfB I 11 rBd 144 6 87 PhillVH 40a 5 Pickwk 129t 8 PiedNG 128 6 Pier 1 Imprt 6 Pillsbry 164 8 PionNGs 90 13 PitnevB lOe 9 PitIFrg 80b 13 PittSton 60b 22 346 Pizza Hut 13 9 Plan Resrch 27 41 I3: 17' 3 17 Vb 13 205 MocAnF 60 MacDorial Macke 30 Macmill 25 Mcmi pfl20 Macv 110 MadFd 90e MadSq Gar MagicCf Magnvox 60 22 Mallory 1 7 MolHvde 36 17 Ma hind 40 21 MfrHon 172 10 MAPCO 34 19 Marathn Mf MaratO 160 9 Marcor 90 7 AAarcr pf A2 Maremt 40 4 MorMid 180 7 MurionL 28 20 Morlen 130 20 Marley 60 17 Marqtte 10e 7 Marriot 521 24 MarsFd 124 8 MartMa 120 6 MartMAI 40 10 MrldCup 54 7 28 21 Masonite 50 17 MgssvF 70e 5 MdsMt 187e 8 MosCp 1 8e Moslnc 108 MotsuE -37r 6 Mottet Inc MovDSt 160 7 MoverOs 65 11 MavsJW 50 5 Maytg 130a ll MCA Inc 80 7 McCrbr 120 3 McDer lM If McDonalfll 40 Me Don 16 4 McGEd i ff I McGrwH 50 7 McGrg pen McIntyre McKee MeLef 72 McLeut 1 60 McNeil 75 MeqdCp 80 Med pf A280 Medusa 140 ME! Cp Mtlv Sh 46 8 10 12 Belden 120 BeldHe 3Qb 9 Bell Ho 84 5 BemisCo 80 4 Bendix 180 6 Bendix pf 3 BenflCp 135 5 Benef pf450 i Wf538 BenSM 5 BengtB 95t 10 Berkev 15e 4 BethSt 160a 6 BgThre 60b 21 BlackDr 40 35 BldirJhn 48 4 BlissLau 10 5 BlotkHR 32 IT iip'Ls la Ebemg 60 5 eiseCes 25 5 Bnd Ind BkMnth 144 6 Borden 120 9 BrgWar 135 5 Bormans BosEd 244 9 BosE Pt888 Bourns Inc Broniff Int BriggsS 160 10 14 BristM 152 14 51 BristM pf 2 15 BritPet 35e 6 2481 BdwvHol 80 12 53 BdwyHI pf 2 23 BrkwyGI 78 5 18 BklyUG 172 8 17 Brown Co 5 20 BrnGrp 160 7 15 BwnShrp 20 8 15 BrwnFer 13 12 Brunswk 32 7 199 A BucyErie 15 191 gaalls 3 Bui 16 1 Heublein 1 19 48 5': Vj Hew Pck 20 40 90 84 b- High Vgltg 0 16 '-2 tigh Volta Hillcnbd 48 10 Hilton Htl 1 6 Duke Pt8 76 Duke pf820 Duke Pf675 DunBrad 84 20 Duplan Cp 19 duPont 575e 13 duPnt pf450 duPnt pf 3 50 DuaLt 172 8 Dq 4 lpf? 07 DuaLf 4pf 2 Da 2 Ipf2l0 Dymoln 28 Visitor Record Is Set ARUBA Netherlands Antilles (UPI) Aruba played host in 1973 to a record-setting 95153 visitors the Tourist Bureau announced Of the total who spent at least one night on the island in the Netherlands Antilles 51866 came from the continental United States 16443 from Venezuela and 9790 from Canada z200 iw 1 -j 100 2h 3 Over The Counter Playboy 12 Plessy 128e PNBM 210e I olarpid -32 31 Ponderdsd 11 PopeTa 60b Portec 80b Portr pf550 PortGE 152 I Potltch 1 20 6 PofmEI 116 7 PPGInd UO 5 Premier 32 7 Prbct 180 24 ProdRh 12e 5 PvCalC120 47 PSyEG 172 8 PSEG pf96? PSEG PI752 PSEG pf4Q PSEG pf505 PSEG pf43Q PSEG pf 1 40 PSvInd 24? 8 mm- 8 -r -1 ii8 71 -1 30 91 30 7 75 130 67 261 Vi 3 7H 186 89 7 2 64 8 8'4 's 118 15' Vb 134 19' 820 109 1 84 1 1 3 V'4 -120 56! 2 ZlO 49 2 1634 a 25 1 ilH 1036 8 8 Industrial HMW Ind 9 HobortM 72 11 ho*rnW 120 8 Hoff Eletrn 17 Holiday 32b 9 Hlidvi 170t 120 7 Homestfi la 22 HonywIJ 140 15 HoovBII 1 28 5 Horizon Cp 4 HospAff 57t 7 HospitA 16 10 Hostlntl 36 9 Houdall 80a 5 HougMif 48 7 House Fbric 12 HousFin 90 17 HouF pf250 HouF HousLP 148 8 HouNGs 50 13 HouG pf250 HowJohn 20 Hop 4 Hul HudBy -HughHot 40 6 HughTI 30e 23 Humana 5 HuntCh 24 16 HuttnEF 40 7 Huyck 28a 24 Hvdrom 16 5 QWJOIlll m-3U udBy I6O0 5 zl60 4 2 Budtlnd 22t BuffFar jNFor 130 Sutro 140e 4 Swank 68a 6 Svbron 72 13 Sybrn pf240 Svstron Don 6 T-ToftBrd 60 6 Talley 60 5 Tqllev pfB 1 TamDoE -88 8 Tandy Coro 13 Tappan 40 5 Technicolr 7 Technicon 17 Tektronx 20 16 Teledyn 40t 4 Teleprmpt 32 Telex Cp Tennco 144 7 Tennco wt A Tennc p(5 50 TesoroP 24 7 Texoco 2 5 TexETr 170 10 TexGsT 164 6 TxGs pf 1 50 Texosglf 76 13 Texoslnd lb 8 Texlnst 1 26 TexOilG 01 15 TexPLd 55e 9 TexUt 108 9 Texfi Ind 4 Te tron 110 8 Textr pf208 Textr pfl40 Thiokol 50 Thom Bet Thom In 40b ThompjW 1 ThriftDo 40 7 Tl Coro 1 40 8 TidwofM 14 Timelnc 2 7 TimeMir 40 Timkn ilOo 6 TishRIt 40b 17 Tobin Pkg ToledoEd 2 8 TonkoCp 40 6 raneCo 96 1 1 TronUn 144 13 Trans Air 3 IU 6 64 24 T'li Mena sc 32t MrcStr 80 13 102 isiiMv I EffcUir Lin 139 pi fill 3I i ESiKo 1 28a 26 324 Eaten 180 6 53 Echlin 38 12 EUrJJI 24 21 60 icMNC 24 12 3 EdisBro 120 6 5 10 16 43 1 EDS 25e 11 25 1 El Mem Mg 4 35 of lk 'lain Natl 1() IB 1 dCp 150 EmerEI fitter me Emn EM! Lt EmpDE 128 9 EmiFin 571 103 Empire Gas 3 9 irt 2 Intexlnc -9? 6 35 nviretech 13 30 quimrk 80 5 10 I I Esquire 32 4 5 Ester line 30 EthylCp China Will Buy Plant TOKYO (UPI) Communist China has contracted to buy a large chemical fiber plant for $167 million from Tijin Co the firm announced A Teijin spokesman said the contract has to be approved by the Japanese government SE Merck 40 Meredith AAerrLyn MesoPet 05 1 mk t9ii Bom i 7sj hi 2 I XjgMwTtt 1 P5vNM 1 Pubkkr 241 30 Pueblol 30a 6 PR Cemt 40 7 PugSPL 1 48 8 Pullmn 150 11 PureC 88 7 PuritPsh 21 6 Purotatr 92 10 QupkOOt 76 14 OuBkfttf 51 16 60 Guestor 50 8 6 Questr pfA 2 1 i-R -RalstonP 80 18 33 Rqmud 12B 232 Ronco In 92 5 1 RopidAm 13 0 Raybest 150 4 5 8 8 129 8 8 6VB- 21 3b 1 37' Vb 675 21 MetE pfB Melt bf 3 0 MetE pf812 Z100 90 Wt1 7icrodot 50 4 6 9 Micron 7ft 9 3 lm- MidConTe! 1 9 4 IP 1 ICN Pbarm li 55 Idaho 186 9 19 27' a lealBasic 1 10 173 20 leai pf4 75 swriiffi HC BarnesHindePh 16 17 BekmsCo42 5- i' Bentley Labs 19 20 Bio Rad Lobs 4' 5'? BlueChipStp 24 73 81 Bohemia in 50b 22- a 22s BrentwdOrigs 2 2 BreunerJohn68 '0 11'? BrownTominc 13 134 CalJockey 180e 33 35 CalWatSvc204 27 28 CentVtPSvc 128 13 13 ChemptateCorp 5'a 6 CitinatiDev 152e 9 10 CitznsUtilAs 31- 32 -CoherenRadiatn 16 17' Computr Design 4-b ComputElecSvs 4 4 Computer Moch 4i 5i ComputrvisnCp 14-Cont Capital 3s Cyclotron Co 6 8 Data Design Lab 2s Data Technology 3' 33- DelMontePrp 44 14' 15-Delta Calif 75 "41- 5- Diagnostic Data 10- 11 3 4 Dow Jones 1 21' 22 i fh i (VUilHrL io a 10 I-8 MoPoc pf 5 1 7934 MSRi MoPoc pf 5 IllCent lJU 5 mM HPow pf204 IIIT00IW 40 15 ImpCpAm 5 INACp 221e 6 INA In 170e Income Cap IndionHd 1 5 IndianGas 2 7 IndpIPL 182 8 Ind I Not 120 6 Inexco Oil 17 I nge 2 32 15 IngR pf) 35 InICon 168a 8 IntandStlld 6 Inmonf 3S 5 Insilco 71 5 InspCop 260 S- Korea Gets Credit HONG KONG (UPI) A consortium of merchant banks based in Hong Kong and Singapore has granted an $80 million credit to the South Korean Development Bank financial executives disclosed The Korean Development Bank government-owned is the leading financial institution in South Korea 7 5 IS idlnv i76e 5 94 MU- i 1 Vi- Bunkr pf 1 SO 116 1 Burl Infl1 7 82 25 Js BurlNar 150 10 196 42 8 BurINo pf 55 6 7 8 Burndy 74 10 11 lusuniv 'Ji c-c -CabCF 2546 8 31 20 Cabot Cp 92 6 3 26 vl 1 I 3I if- CallahM 34t 21 180 15 CamB 253P 3 137 8 i Vi CompR 50a 41 114 CompS 118 13 89 34 CdnPoc 77e 10 CanalR llfl 10 CqpCit Coni Eap Held 30 15 CapMt 768e 5 Carbrn 160 7 Carling 0fce Carlisle 68 5 5 CaroFrg 40 8 8 i I CarrCd 52 38 14 ajfSL'ttu 92 9 9 10' r- CasfleC 60b 7 37 CaterTr 160 12 294 55 4- Covnah 2 32 CCI Corp 37 21 1 CfCOCpl 5 5 15i Clanese2 6 1 05 33 tkncolnc 20 7 X45 Centex 12 13 59 15 CenHud 172 7 24 19'j CenllILt 160 8 24 fenllPS 120 9 48 CenLaE 116 8 10 15'- CeMPw 134 9 12 1534 CenSoW 112 8 135 4- CerroCp 1 Cert teed 60 Cessna 80 Chmpint 92 Chml pfl20 Cham So Charfr 1 30e Chartr NVl ChaseFd 72 1'B li' B- 4 I Cha Exctsr 150e Biien 4 46 Fabrge 40 5 FoirCom 60 9 Fairlnd 30e FairmtF 60 I Falstot Bre nmr Faroh Mfe Fedders 50 44 FederafCo 1 3 FedMog 180 8 FedNMt 68 6 FedPop 1 20 5 FPop pfl20 FdSgn 30 4 FedDSt 116 12 Federal Dv Ferrocp 1 5 Fibrebrd 80 4 Fidelity Fin 4 Fid Mtg inv 14 FidUB 2 20b 6 FieOttM 140 6 MoPtCe 60 MobilOil 3a 5 iv MobHom 20 6 18 Mohos 170 6 13 Mohk Data 8 MohkRubl 4 11 Molyb OSe 9 59 Mofvb pf250 1 Monarch 60 7 1 Mongrm Ind 4 4 MonrEa 44 7 63 Monsanto 2 8 394 Mons pf275 1 MonDU 200 9 1 MonPw 1 80 10 36 MontSt 1 83e 31 Mony 88e 8 48 MooreMcC 4 78 Morgan 160 16 190 MorrsKn 84 8 16 MorseEt Pd 3 41 MorseS 6le 9 8 MtgTr 140e 6 18 MorNor 88 10 109 Motorola 50 10 368 Ml Fuel 192 18 21 MtStTel 152 8 6 MSL 1 4 10 Munford 32 5 2 Munfd pf 40 1 Munsng 108 6 15 041 96 no MurpOi Reece 74a 8 1 Reed Tool 20 20 Reeve 150b 4 4 ReichCh 40 5 14 Rehob St 60 4 1 V-' RellanEI 80 11 29 3 Rehon pf 3 6 7V RetiaGrp 40 4 61 ReG pfC260 26 lV-Ll i TfoO DfB220 3 'Ll Republic Cp 10 23 14 ReoFinS 80 4 64 9 RepMtg 180 6 3 RepStl 120a 4 23 vl RetailCred 2 7 6 RevcoDS 32 13 98 2i Revere Cop 26 31 7 Revlon 100 16 80 Rexhom 10 6 50 I3 1 Rexnrd 108 7 20 25 Rev ind 268 7 Rev in pf 225 9 ReynMef 50 9 304 9 ReyM pf450 1 8 RevnSec 50 9 5 55' 6- 7 R'thrdsn 80 5 11 lb4- RichMer 58 14 204 4 Rtchmnd 60 6 23 25sb 'a R'dderP 40 3 RioGron 60 5 59 si RtoGr pf80 16 RifeAtd 12 7 190 71 -l7 RiyianF -8 13 xl? Tronsom 59 7 Trolnc 176e Tronscn 45 6 Trovelers 1 7 Trovelr pf 2 TRE Cd 80t 6 TnCon 276e TnCn pf250 TriSoMtg 3e 6 Trionlnd90 5 TrianPtc 40 3 Trinity 60 7 Tropicana 11 TRW In 112 6 TRW pt440 TucsonG 84 6 TwenCen 20 8 Tyco Lobs 9 TylerCp 40 6 I UALInc 12c 12 UARCO 110 6 UG1 Co 132 8 UMC Ind 1 5 Unorco 50 4 UmNV 230e 5 UnBanco 84 7 Como 140 14 UnCorb 210 7 UnCom 133 7 Union Coro 9 Un Elec 128 9 UnEI pf4S0 Un Fidelity 5 UnOCal 198 7 UOCa of2 50 UPocCo2 40 14 lfnPoc of 47 i Inslnv i ll I integon 28 6 Interco 1 36 6 Intrcntl Div Interlk 180a 5 IBM 512 21 IntFlFr 07h 49 IntHar 150a 6 intHold 97e infMinCh 1 15 IntMng lt 9 InNick 120a 11 intPop 150a 13 intRectlOt 7 Int TJ6T1B i intTT BtMr ITT Jlfi SO IntTf intTT fK4 ITT pfw2 25 IntTT pf05 iitrotCp 60 6 inlFed 601 Iriitone sfCha I har 91t 9 ASE Delists Lab Firm NEW YORK (UPI) The American Stock Exchange has delisted the common stock of Behavioral Research Laboratories Inc of Menlo Park Calif for failure to meet earnings and assets criteria Trading in the stock was suspended Jan 31 FstCkt 1 86 15 FstlntBnc 1 19 FstMt 1 71e 12 1 FstPo 132 10 I I i MurrOh 80 MuttOm 132 24 Robshaw 90 5 MversL 34 Nabisco 2 30 13 111 37 Rockwer 36 4 26 Chemetrn 1 6 11 153 FstWis Mtg 2 IntrsPw 136 10 i.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.