Troy Daily News from Troy, Ohio (2024)

DAILY NEWS, TROT, OHIO. SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1938 PAGE Classified For Sale SALE Window Troy Paint Wall Paper, 1. Main Stu 11-26c FOR SALE Public sale of machinery, livestock, and Dec. 3, at 11 m.

B. D. blott, three miles southof West Milton, two miles north Fidelity. Earl Hartman, aucCharles Ross, clerk. DE SALE Two large-size used King Clermont heaters, good condition.

Also large size Favorite circulating heater. A-1 condition. Troy Rowland Furniture Co. 1 11-28c TO BALE Shavemaster electric razors the ideal gift. Pay only 11.00 weekly, or use our lay-away plan.

John Shanesy Store, 106 W. St. 11-28c SALE -Marmink fur coat, size man's blue, chincilla overcoat, else 37; black crepe dress, size 12. All good condition; very reasonable, 612 Ave. 11-28c FOR SALE -White Star gas range, All porcelain, table top, fully insulated, with oven regulator, 60.

Pay $1.00 weekly if you wish. John Shanesy Store, 106 W. Main, phone 6401. 11-28c 3 SALE Shop the Avon way, as advertised in Good Housekeeping. a lovely line of gift sets on disfor Christmas at S.

MulSt. Come in and look them over, or phone 9141 for appointment. Closed from 6 p. m. Friday, to 8 p.

m. Saturday. FOR TALE A M. C. washer, Roof sample, porcelain tub, safety $39.50.

This is a good buy. if desired. John Shanesy Store, 108 W. Main, phone 6401. 11-28c BALE Modern lying room suite, linoleum, cabinet base; used only five months.

Reasonable. Also winter coat, size 18. Phone 8396. 11-29c FOR SALE- Boy's genuine horsehide leather coat sheep lined, excelcondition, cheap. Two serge suite, knicker style, 8 and 10 year Douglas McKenzie, 628 Ridge Ave, phone 6449.

11-20c FOR SALE Wine cloth cont with fox collar, practically new. Black cloth cost, black fur, both size 14. Ressonably priced. Phone 6629; inquire 125 W. Race St.

11-29c FOR SALE. Studio couch, just like $16.00. See H. R. Baker.

On lettansburg, o. 12-3c POL BALR Order By lex ChristInas cards now! There are never abouth to go around. Fifty for $1.00, your name printed on each and fifty plain envelopes to They come to you completely You may order yours at any he at the Dally News office. Dec.5x FOR FATE NoW for Christinas: chairs, lamps, tables, deska, hassocks, mirrots, cedar living, dinette, bedroom Mouch Furniture 431 Walnut, phone 5491. FOR BATT matches with name printed thereon.

use or for advertising, your 500 books $3.50, 1,000 Commercial Printing MiCaion Pub. Co. FOR SALE Bargains in bottles Red Top, cold- beer, 50c; beet, tithtty higher. Doghouse Restau-13ttc For Rent FOR RENT- Four-room modern unFurnished apartment with now hoot covering in kitchen, bath and Also several large office rooms Inquire at E. Main.

11-10tfc FOR RENT- Unfurnished modern apartment, five rooms; reasonable tent, Mrs. G. H. Stokes, 725 Grant St. phone 7856.

11-25tfc FOE LENT- Two downstairs furniched housekeeping rooms, west porch, two entrances, private bath, entirely separate; heat, electricity hot water, telephone 7979; 301 W. Water, opposite court house. 11-23tfc FOR RENT- SE -room Bungalow 487 E. Main phone 28334 11-8ttc TOR RENT- -Furnished apartment, modern conveniences, good neighborhood, close to schools and factories. Also one room with privilege or cooking.

Inquire 522 S. Market, phone 6271. 12-2c Beauty Parlors NOTICE Special permanents: Realistic croquignole, Edwards oil croquignole Natural our! croquignole $1.50. Shampoo and finger wave, 50c. Adele's Beauty Shop.

8. Market, phone 4786, 11-26c NoticE The La Belle Beauty Shop, northwest corner of Public Square. wih be closed from Saturday afterneon until Wednesday morning. 11-26c NOTICE Duart and Nupad perma. bent save, $5.00 and end permanents $2.00 and $2.50.

Ruth Pox arid Treva Younce, phone 8978. 8-20tte NOTICE ments, hair cuts, tints, manicures, facials riven by experienced operatots at Little Miller Beauty Shop, Public Square. Closed each Wednesday afternoon. Phone 11-25tfo DESIGNED BY POPE 10 MANE AMERIC "DEMOCRATIC CITADEL" -Offensive Against TotaliTrends, Through Education Is Catholic Plan WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (UP)The Catholic hierarchy of the United States, acting under a mandate of Pope: Piuus Xl, today anonunced an educational program for 3,000.000 Catholic students, to.

help, make America a Democratic citadel 'at a turning point in the history of the world." The program, reflecting a counteroffensive against totalitarian, trends in other nations, was announced by Dennis, Cardinal Dougherty, of Philadelphia as spokesman for the archbishops and bishops of the Catholic church in the United States. Alarmed At Spread Cardinal Dougherty said the Catholic hierarchy is alarmed at the spread of subversive teaching and action in the United States -at proclamations and programs "which if translated into action would destroy all that is just and ennobling in 1 liberty-loving America." Addressing a pastoral letter to all American Cotholics, Cardinal Dougherty emphasized, the importance of action to preserve democracy through education in a world where "revolutionary" theories are gaining recognition. The pope explicitly instructs the Catholic university "to evolve a constructive program of social action, fitting in its details to local needs, which will command the admiration and acceptance of all right-thinking "This charge solemnly approves the American hierarchy's traditional position of unswerving allegiance to our free American institutions." The hierarchy charged the Catholic University of America here immediately to compile a comprehensive series of graded texts for all educaional levels, systemitizing the teaching of democratic principles, to aid in building "an enlightened, conscientious leadership." These texts, and the democratic educational program, will be applied in more than 10,000 parish grade and high schools as well as Catholic institutions of higher learning. 18TH CENTURY ADVERTISER BREAKS FORTH INTO SONG To Acquaint Customers With Stocks of Goods and Credit Refusal Miss Elizabeth Teaters, former teacher in the Troy schools, believes that advertising has undergone quite radical changes in the past century and a third, and in evidence submits a sample which she copied from an old newspaper found in a museum during her travels. The advertisem*nt is reproduced below but with some misgiving on the part of the publishers, who, painfully aware how prone amateurs are to think they can compose poetry, feat that a similar style, now happily extinct, may be revived.

Luther Andree Co. have this day Been opening goods both fresh and gay. He has receiv'd near every kind That you in my store may find. And as I purchase by the Bale I am determined to retail For Ready Pay 8 little lower Than ever have been had before. with my brethren mean to live; But as for Credit shall not give.

I would not live to rouse your passions, For credit here is out of fashion. My friends and buyers, one and all, It will pay you well to give a call. You always may find me by my sign, A few rods from the house divine. The following articles wul be recelved in payment: Wheat, Rye, Buck wheat, Oats, Corn. Butter, Flax, Ashes and Raw Hides.

These articles will be taken in at the Esopus prices. Cash will not be refused. Warsink, Dec. 24, 1799. FUNERAL IS HELD FOR MOTHER OF TROY MAN Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in Mechanicsburg for Mrs.

Octavia Lucas, 65, colored, resident of that place and mother of John Calloway, janitor of the court house Mrs. Lucas succumbed to diabetes Wednesday morning in the White Cross hospital at Columbus. Mrs. Lucas formerly lived in Troy. Besides hot son, she is survived by the husband, one brother and three sistera, one of whom is Mrs.

Vinie Siler, resident of this city. GRANT WOMAN'S REQUEST, DOG BURIED WITH HER COATESVILLE, Pa the pet dog of Cora Schroder, 48, was buried with her in the same coffin in accordance with her last request. Miss Schroder suicide and ca the dosa th with chloroform. In a note to her broththat the terrier be In a and placed in her coffin. MUGGS AND SKEETER By WALLY WELL.


of. Troy, two and on miles northwest of Miami City on LeFevre pike; two. horses, 10 cattle, 35 hogs, six sheep and full line of good farming implements. Harry Myers and Son. Col.

Paul Gearhart, auctioneer; Eugene Herman, clerk. 11-28c NOTICE Turkey supper at West Charleston church, on State route 202, Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 5:30 p. m. '11-29c NOTICE -Hunting will not be permitted on the tottowing farms located on and north and south of the Covington pike: Clyde McMaken, Vernon Gray, Arthur Mison, John Lester Schaefer, Frank Clifford McDonald, James Wright, Wm.

Anna Prakel, and Roger Minnie Sayers, Dye, Chris Schultz, Herman Wright, Milton Adams, Dan Longendelpher, Homer Sproat, George Engilsh, Expertment Farm, Bert Speakman. NOTICE We will not be responsible for consignments of Ladies and children's clothing after New Year's Day. Per Nov. 1, adv. Troy News.

The Gadget Shop. 11-30c NOTICE- -Fried chicken supper Brethren church, corner McKaig Monroe, Thursday, Dee. price, adults 40c, children under 12, 25c. Serve from 5:30 to 7:30. NOTICE High School Girls! Formals, evening wraps made to order.

Custom dressmaking. Reasonable, guaranteed. 601 East Water. Phone 8308. NOTICE The closing date on Bytes Christmas card and Rytex printed stationery orders is Wednesday, Dee.

7. It you wish to have your orders filled in time for Christmas delivery, hutry to the Daily News office and place them before it is too late. Dec. 5x NOTICE To people going to Floride The Miami Union, weekly paper, will bring you all the local of Troy and Miami county. before leaving Six 56c; per year M1.

Dec. Real Estate For Sals FOR SALE Desirable centrally located in good residential district; completely modern, and newly painted. Inquire 112 North Third Tipp City. FOR SALE Priced very reasonably, near Hobart factory, one five-, one six-, one seven-, and two eight-room houses; easy terms. See or phone Gus Eichman, Schaible phones 8791 or 5566.

11-26c FOR BALE Desirable residence, centrally located in good residential district, completely modern, and newly painted. Inquire 112 North Third Tipp City. FOR SALE- -Priced very reasonably; centrally located: one five-, one six-, three seven-, three eight-. two nine- and one ten-room houses; cash or easy terms. Also have some very desirable suburban properties.

See or phone Gus Eichman, Schaible phones: 8791 or 5566. 11-26c FOR SALE Or rent- 23. acre farm, good buildings; one mile south of Troy on Dixie. Inquire J. E.

Ramelmeyer, first house north of Dixie Meat Market. 11-29c FOR SALE House six rooms and bath, good cellar, newly installed water system, two lots, double garage, chicken house; owner, Walter Knowles. Casstown, Ohio, 11-29c Wanted WANTED Well drilling: wells from four inches to 10 inches. Walter R. Dorsey, R.

R. 1, West Laberty, Ohio; located at Spring Hill. Sat. WANTED To. re- upholster your living room furniture; many fabrio patterns from which to choose.

Troy Upholstering Service, S. Market phone 3080. 8-17tic WANTED Your dead stockhorses, cattle and hogs. We remove in steel sanitary truck, built under the State laws requirements, We pay your telephone expenses. Troy Fertiliser agent for Greenville Fertilizer Co.

Phone 3846. 6 5tic Help Wanted WANTED Middle- housekeep er; location, three miles east of Covington. Address: Theo. R. Drake, rural route 1, Covington, O.

WANTED Woman to assist with general housework. Phone 7576, Monday morning. 11-26c Employment Wanted WANTED -Young girl wishes to assist with house work and care of children. Inquire at 1317. McKaig Ave.

WANTED work by middleage woman. Can give references Inquire at 1317 McKalg Lost LOST raid Gram watch. Phone 2255. Reward. LOST 3 back Thursday, between house W.

Freakin, and name, two keys, and smell as gift. Reward. 6368. 11-28c Exchange Head Helps, Too! When a strike of live stock handlers crippled activities at the huge Chicago union stock yards, executives helped commission men handle the cattle, hogs and sheep in the Here is Charles R. Rice, president of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange, lending a hand.

"AU REVOIR" LUNCHEON GIVEN HOBART EXECUTIVE Leaves For Australia to Take Charge of Subsidiary--Novel Yule Greeting Sent Willard Business associates of John Buchan, who left Troy headquarters of the Hobart Manufacturing Co. Friday evening, to assume the position of managing director of the newlyformed Australian Subsidiary next January, staged an "au revoir" luncheon in his honor Friday noon in the Hobart restaurant, Mr. Buchan will sail on the S. S. Matsonia, December from Los Angeles, stopping in Hawai and New Zealand for conferences with.

Hobart representatives, before arriving in Sydney, New South Wales, shortly after the first of the year to begin his new duties. Following the luncheon the 20 Hobart officials and department heads presented Mr. Buchan with a desk set as gift, and a short program of talks APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice in hereby given, that George W. Furrow has been appointed and qualified executor of the estate of Ellen Furrow, late of Miami County, Ohio, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County, No. 25474.

J. GUY DONNELL, Nov. 25, 1938. Probate Judge. Robert S.

Miller, Attorney. -Nov. 26-Dec. 3-10. APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that Elsie T.

Smith has been appointed and qualified Executrix of the estate of John B. Smith, late of Miami County, Ohio, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County. No. 25463. J.

GUY O'DONNELL, Nov. 10, 1938. Probate Judge. G. E.

Landrey, Atty. Nov. ADVERTIsem*nT Sewer until 12:00 o'clock noon, E.S.T. on DECEMBER 8TH, 1938 at the office of the Director of Public Service, City Hall, Troy, Ohio, at Troy. Ohio.

The City of Troy will receive sealed proposals for the construction of Sewage Treatment Works and Outfall which time and place all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. The contract documents, including plans and specifications, and form of proposal, are: available to view at the office of the Director of Public Serv ice, City Hall, Troy, Ohio, and at the office of Gascogne and Associates, Consulting Engineers, 1140 Leader Building Cleveland, Ohio, Copies of the contract drawings, specifications and blank proposal may be obtained from the Consulting Engineers by depositing Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for each set. The entire amount of deposit made by him will be refunded to each actual bidder who returns the documents and plans in good condition within 30 days after bids are received. any other than an actual bidder, one of the deposit made by him will be refunded if the contract documents and plans are returned in good condition within 30 days after bids are received. Each proposal shall be made upon the blanks that are furnished and shall be accompanied by all affidavits and data as particularized In the Instructions to Bidders.

Either a certified a cashier's check drawn on a solvents bank and payable to the City of Troy a satisfactory bid band exceuted by the bidder and a surety company and in a sum not less than (5) per cent of. the total amount bid shall accompany each bid as a guaranty that in the event the bid is accepted and tract awarded to the bidder, the contract will be duly executed and a bidder default In the execution of performance properly secured Should an awarded contract, his bidders check will forfeited or his bid bond surety will be held for the full amount of the bond as liquidated damages. No bid may be withdrawn for thirty (30) days after the date for receiving bids. The bidder whom a contract awarded will required to furnish a performance bond In an amount not less than one hundred (100) per cent of the total of the bid. said bond to be that of a surety company author Ized to transact business in the State of Ohio and approved by the City 8o- licitor.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids to waive any infer malty ceived, and to any bid which on In the bids is deemed most bie. GEO L. SMITH. Director of Public Service, N--Nov. 19-26.

MOTHER OF TROY WOMAN DIES AT BELLEFONTAINE Mrs. Alice McLaughlin, 87, Victim of Heart Disease- Funeral Services To Be Held Monday Funeral services will be held Monday from the Leonard and Eichholtz funeral home in Bellefontaine for Mrs. Alice May McLaughlin, 87, resident of that place and mother of Mrs. C. R.

Tremain, of Troy. 1 Mrs. McLaughlin succumbed at 9:15 Friday morning at her home, 402 East Sandusky avenue, from heart disease. Although a semi-invalid, the decedent had not been confined to her bed. She had arisen at 9 a.

m. Friday and was preparing to eat her breakfast, but decided to return to bed. She died shortly afterward. Her son, George, who has resided with her for several years, was present at the time of death. Mrs.

McLaughlin was born in Cincinnati May 26, 1851, and on Sept. 1, 1869, married J. Duncan MeLaughlin, of Bellefontaine. His death occurred August 26, 1934. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church which she attended regularly when her health permitted.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. S. S. Smucker, Bellefontaine; Mrs. Byron Swisher, of Columbus; and Mrs.

Tremain, of Troy; two sons, George, Bellefontaine: and C. A. Mclaughlin, of Cleveland; 10, grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Rev. E.

W. Ziegler, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will be in charge of the services and burial will be made in the Bellefontaine cemetery, HEFTY TWINS ARE BORN: WEIGH IN AT 17 POUNDS CHICAGO, Nov. 26- -Twin daughters with a combined weight of 017 pounds, among the heaviest. weights twins in medical history, were horn today to a family which is on -elief and in which 1 there already were five children. The parents are Jesus and Margaret Garcia.

Dr. James S. Blair of the Chicago Maternity center, who delivered the twins, said their weight set a record so far as the center was concerned. Mother and daughters were reported as "doing well." The heaviest twins mentioned in medical history weighed pounds at birth. TROY LIVESTOCK Hogs: 180-200 $7.40 200-225 225-250 7.40 Calves 10.50 Sheep 1.00 2.50 Sows 6.00 7.00 Lambs 4.00 7.00 TROY PRODUCE (Quotations by H.

K. Frye) Leghorn Hens Eggs Heavy Hens TROY GRAIN MARKETS Nov. 26, 1938 Wheat Soy Beans Oats Corn. 6888 REGISTRATION PLANS (Continued from Page Four) a minimum of 120 players for the two, leagues. Any persons desiring play in the leagues are requested to contact one of the group in charge of the registrations.

Immediately after the closing of the registrations the committee will assign the players to the teams and leagues. It is planned to start play the following week. The leagues will play on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Van Cleve gymnasium. Chairman Sharon Drake of the committee announced also there will be no fee charged the players and there will be no admission charges for spectators at any of the games. The committee also employed Kenneth Knapp and Frank Antenucci as officials for the leagues.

FATHER OF ELEVEN IS KILLED IN ROCK SLIDE XENIA, 0., Nov. 26- James Elmer Linkhart, 58, county highway employee, was killed in county gravel pit yesterday when a rock slide threw him against a truck with such force that his neck was broken. He was the father of 11 children. THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered Patent Office By HIDE THAT ICE PICKHERE COMES MRS RITZ-HOKUM 4 TAKE THIS GUN AND SHOOT SOME OF WORM DRAWERS HOLES INTO MRS THAT HOKUM CHEST LOVES WORM HOLE'S 6 HONEST JONAS ANTIQUE SAGO RUNNING FULL BLAST SIX MONTHS CLOSE DOWN Copr King Send care, World nights was given in his honor. H.

J. Linkert, export manager, served as toastmaster for the occasion, and farewell talks were made by President John M. Spencer, Burns H. Dreese and Paul C. Yount, to which Mr.

Buchan responded. Executives of the company recently sent a novel Christmas greeting to C. C. Willard, well-known Trojan who is now in Sydney arranging for the formation of the Australian subsidiary. Through the use of the new recording machine, greetings from business associates Mrs, Willard and Troy friends were recorded, ending with a blast from the familiar Hobart whistle.

FLETCHER WOMAN BUYS COUNTS STREET HOME Mrs. Della Emerich of Fletcher hast purchased the J. F. Stitchter home, 402 South Counts street, and will be given possession the latter part of December. Mrs.

Emerich and daughter, Gladys, will move from Fletcher to Troy and occupy their new home. Mrs. Orpha Coble of Troy closed the real estate sale. Try our Stationery bargains for NOTICE OF ELECTION ON ISSUE OF BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Staunton Township Rural School District, Miami County, Ohio, passed on the 3rd day of November, 1938, there will be submitted to a vote of the people of said Staunton Township Rural School District at a special election to be held at the regular places for voting in said school district, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1938, the question of issuing bonds of said Staunton Township Rural School 1. District in the amount of Eight Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00) for the purpose of altering and improving a fire-proof school building, including equipment, in order to participate in Federal aid, and to relieve unemployment.

in said school district, which is a part of PWA Project No. 1973-F, as provided by law. The maximum number of years during which such bonds are to run is fourteen (14) years. The estimated average additional tax rate outside the ten mill limitation imposed by Article Twelve, Section Two of the Constitution, as certified by the County Auditor, is .38 mills. The polls for said election will open at 8:30 o'clock A.

M. and remain open until 6:30 o'clock P. Eastern Standard Time of said day, By order of the BOARD OF ELECTIONS of Miami County, Ohio. Hi. C.

Kampf, Goodrich, Clerk. Chairman. N--Nov. 5-12-19-26. LEGAL NOTICE Mary Croy, a minor under the age of fourteen years, who resides with her mother and guardian, Sarah Ferrell, San Antonio, Texas; Martha Croy, a minor under the age of fourteen years, who resides with her mother and guardian, Sarah J.

Ferrell. San Antonio, Texas; Sarah J. Ferrell, mother and guardian of Mary Croy and Martha Croy, both minors under the age of fourteen years, with whom said minors reside, their father being deceased. San Antonio, Texas, will hereby take notice that C. Fullerton, as Administrator of the estate of Walter S.

Croy, deceased. on the 4th day of November. D. 1938. filed his certain petition in the Probate Court of Miami County.

Ohio, for the determination of the heirs of said decedent. The prayer of the petition is that the heirs of the said Walter S. Croy, deceased, may be determined. Mary Croy. a minor under the age of fourteen years, who resides with her mother and guardian.

Sarah J. Ferrell San Antonio. Texas, Martha Croy, a minor under the age of fourteen years. who resides with her mother and guardian, Sarah J. Ferrell, San Antonio, Texas, and Sarah J.

Ferrell. mother and guardian of Mary Croy and Martha Croy, both minors under the age of fourteen years, with whom said minors reside. their father being deceased, San Antonio, Texas, are hereby notified that they have been made parties defendant to said petition, and that they are required to answer same on or before the Bist day of December. A. D.

1938, and that said hearing on said petition will be held by the Judge of the Probate Court of Miami County. Ohio, in the Courtroom of the Probate Court of Miami County. Ohio, in the City of Troy Ohio. on the 7th day of January, A. D.

1939, at 10:00 o'clock. A. M. C- FULLERTON, A8 Administrator of the Estate of Walter S. Croy.

Dec'd. Horace J. Boesch. Attorney: 626 Reibold Building, Dayton, Ohio. N- 5-12-19-26-Dec.

3-10. $90,000 BOND ISSUE SOLD IN TIPP SEWAGE PROJECT Work On WPA. Sewer and Disposal Plant Program Slated To Get Under Way Dec. 1 Final steps were taken by the Tipp City council this week for the construction of a sanitary sewer ayatem and sewage disposal plant as A WPA project and work is expected to be started about December 1. The council, sold village bonds in the sum of $90,000 to the Braun, Bosworth Co.

of Toledo at 3 per cent interest with a premium of $707. Contracts for the material to be used on the project were awarded also by the council at prices considerably below the engineering estimates! It was agreed also to comply with state health regulations in regard to the sewage system, a necessary atep before. work can be started. These regulations cover the construction and operation of the systern in accordance with the rules of the state board of health. Final arrangements are being made also for the purchase of seven acres of land from the Miami Conservanoy district as the site for the disposal plant.

SIDNEY BOY "TOO TURNED OVER TO FEDERALS SIDNEY, Nov. 26-Because he was "too tough" for the Lanacster Boys' Industrial school, Robert Rhinehart, alias Roger Balish, 16, of Sidney, one of the trio in the city jail charged mobile stealing in the hi-jacking of Elmer Schweit a few weeks ago, and who apprehended in Iowa, will over to the federal governm cording to word received from United States marshal. The youth will be sent to a for juveniles at Washington, for observation. This is the Juvenile ever to be charged in southern district federal court, cording to authorities. WISHBONES IN COLLECTION HURON, -Something hobbies has been acquired resa Gerdeman, who has collection of fowl wishbones: 500 in her collection now given away more than 400 timates, bringing to nearly life-time's collection.

Altman's Mills Troy, Obie BUYING WHEAT PHONR Troy 6911 It's Time To Condition Your Car For. COLD WEATHER Here's a suggestion to save you Inconvenience Time and Money Complete motor tune up with Ford Laboratory Test Set, including: Test compression, clean and adjust spark plugs Test battery and tighten all connections Test distributors- -coll-condenser Test generator- lights horns Test fuel pump and clean screens Adjust and check carburetor Check ignition Road test car Complete chassis lubrication Drain grease in transmission and differential and refill with winter grade Change motor, oil to winter grade Phone Flush Check Check Adjust Remove water clutch radiator brakes front and pumps hubs and adjust and check if all re-pack needed hose connections PRICE SPECIAL $4.95 SAVE $2.40 (Parts, Anti-Freeze, Oil and Grease, Extra) COME IN TODAY Troy Motor Sales, Inc Your 37.1 Dealer 220 S. Market St. Troy, 0. MOBILGAS MOBILOIL with Friendly Ward Alexander- -Service Manager.

Troy Daily News from Troy, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.